Thursday, July 5, 2007

God is good.

This time with the students has gone by so incredibly fast.. it is hard to keep it all straight. Team 3 came today, which made it even more surreal. i met a guy who lived in Lufkin, like Jason (our MS pastor back home!). Drama has been cool all week but i especially liked today's skit. it was real meaningful; about how sinning weighs you down and how God is the only one who conquered sin and death.

i've really liked the oppurtunities i've had to talk to Laura (one of the RAS girls); she's really amazing. She reminds me of what i hope to be when i'm in college. i love her servant's heart and how she just invests in your life. Oleg, one of the translators is full of so much energy- i'm not sure how he does it. insane.

english class was lovely.. we talked about emotions and expressions; depicted them on balloons.. had a acoustic jam session with Sasha (from squad 3), Max, and Marcus.. :) Rec was classic; had squad vs. squad games which the students really loved. After rec was the time (everyday) that each squad goes around and makes a movie about a certain topic [since the theme is Hollywood]. This is normally when we do prep stuff for one of the programs or english. But today, we got to help out. It was incredible to see the amount of passion the students pour into these movies, and how much teamwork it demanded. and the movies always turn out so great!
at evening program, Oleg told of the Gospel, Jesus' desire for each one of us to embark on a journey, a relationship with Him. and how this is only possible if we believe that Jesus died for our sins but rose again. It was called invitation night; and it is quite possibly one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life. 'A simple message of repentance. Then, scores of teenagers flooded the stage to make their lives right with Jesus without a moment’s hesitation. I would like to think it was a culmination of the love our team has poured into these students, but I do not think that is true. Students in Ukraine are simply responding to the amazing story of a God who loved them enough to send His only Son to die for their sins. I have grown to love these students and am filled with joy at their response to Christ. But I am more overwhelmed with a God who loves me enough to allow me to be a part of what He has chosen to do in the lives of His precious children in Ukraine. Today, I am full to overflowing. I only wish I had the words to help you to feel what it is like to be here. ' One of the really good friends i've made this week, Soosanna, was one of the students that went up front to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior. Artem and Vova are among my new brothers in Christ as well. God is so good.

Allison "you don't know anything about our coconuts"

Grant "if you need me just yell 'gesture the jester!'"


Kelsey said...

Wow, that's beautiful. I can't even imagine...I'm glad you got to experience this.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.