Friday, June 29, 2007

LoveGod LovePeople

Today was our second orientation day.. Russians lessons, Drama/Rec/ English Class Prep time, etc. I'm going to have a beginner class for English and my translator is Anya :) I couldn't have chosen a more wonderful person to serve with.

We also cleaned up the storage room for English and Rec supplies, which was fun.

Around sunset, some of our team and a few of the translators went on a walk all around the campus and down the road a bit.

Deb: "it's gladiator cleaning"

Don: "Did you seriously just try to make Scrubs into a prayer?"

Max: "whatcha talkin about foo?"

ps. I forgot to mention, we got to decorate today. The theme for Radooga is Hollywood.. 'Action 1' sweeeeeet!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Hollywood is a really good theme..